Saturday, November 30, 2019
Mayeroffs Caring free essay sample
This essay explains how Milton Mayeroff’s â€Å"Major Ingredients of Caring,†in his book, On Caring, relates to coaching soccer. There are eight â€Å"ingredients†that Mayeroff discusses in his book that all relate to becoming a successful coach. If a coach anaylzes and considers each ingredient, he can deeply develop his skill as a caring trainer and guide of the players in his charge. Mayeroff’s basic principle is that when a person cares about someone else, the person being cared for will grow. In order for a coach to be successful, he needs his players to grow; therefore he needs to care about all the players on his team. A mindful coach will take into consideration each ingredient that Mayeroff describes so that growth can strengthen the players individually and as a team. This essay examines the ingredients, â€Å"Knowledge†, â€Å"Alternating Rhythms†and â€Å"Patience, of caring to illustrate a direct relationship between caring and coaching soccer. We will write a custom essay sample on Mayeroffs Caring or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In chapter one, Mayeroff explains the basic pattern of caring with examples of how caring affects another person’s growth. Mayeroff further develops his thoughts on caring in chapter two by demonstrating how caring can be exercised by knowing, experiencing alternating rhythms, the act of patience, honesty, trust, humility, hope and courage. Analyzing and then understanding all eight ingredients that Mayeroff describes will have special importance to caring within a relationship. In coaching soccer, a successful coach will have special strengths, however in knowledge, alternating rhythms and patience. Coaching soccer requires caring and this essay will make clear how these three ingredients are essential for successful coaching. The first ingredient Mayeroff introduces is the concept of â€Å"Knowing. †Mayeroff breaks down â€Å"knowing†into different factors: specific vs. broad, implicit vs. explicit, and direct vs. indirect. The deciphering of â€Å"knowledge,†as Mayeroff explains it, allows a better understanding of how caring is completed with these crucial factors. Mayeroff states, â€Å"To care for someone, I must know many things. I must know, for example, who the other is, what his powers and limitations are, what his needs are, and what is conducive to his growth†(p. 13). Each of these components of knowledge is necessary in helping an individual grow, particularly in soccer. The foundation of a sports team, especially soccer, starts with the coach. The coach is the head of the team and therefore is required to acquire the most knowledge about the sport. A coach needs to know all aspects of the game, such as, offensive and defensive strategies, different ball skills, and the endurance it takes to be a soccer player. Also, the coach has to be able to understand all of his players: their capabilities, personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, in order for growth to occur, the coach must know his individual role in the game. The individual characteristics of all the players are a crucial part in Mayeroff’s â€Å"knowing†ingredient. In order for a coach to be successful, knowing the characteristics of a player like, how fast they are, best position, and strength of the player’s kick, is important to facilitate a player’s growth. This way the coach can apply a different teaching method to ensure that each player will receive the information in a way that the player can understand and grow from. In soccer, knowing these characteristics can give the coach an idea of the best drills to run in practice. Also, the coach might divide the players into different groups after knowing the players strengths in specific positions on the field. Knowing all the different information makes coaching an extremely difficult task; however an attentive coach will care about learning each aspect of a player. The action of caring allows the coach to acquire the specific knowledge of his players. A coach who does not care about his players or team would be teaching in a way that is not effective to each player. The players can grow when the coach cares enough about obtaining more knowledge to teach them in a way that will increase their skills. â€Å"Knowledge†is not the only ingredient that leads a coach to be a successful one. Alternating rhythms is defined as â€Å"†¦the rhythm of moving back and forth between narrower and wider framework†(p. 22), and is the second ingredient that Mayeroff discusses in regard to caring. While coaching soccer, the coach needs to understand that not all players will learn at the same pace or in the same way. The alternating rhythm ingredient reflects the fact that different tactics are needed for different players. A coach is a teacher: when someone does not understand a concept, a new way is determined in order for the student to comprehend the concept. Soccer is an interactive sport that requires a lot of practice to acquire the many moves and tricks that make a soccer player effective. For instance, if a player does not understand a coach through a visual example of a specific play during a corner kick, the coach needs to develop another technique to teach the player the specific play . The same thing goes for a play or a kick. A defender needs to know how to take the ball from the opposing team, and then implement offensive skills. If a coach does not teach this in a coherent manner, the player will not be able to grow. It is up to the coach to aid the player to acquire knowledge of kicks, skills and offensive and defensive plays to become successful not just in one game but also as a player. Both players and coaches have a particular way they would like to be taught; however, if a coach wants the players to grow, adjustments in technique and sacrifices of preference must mark the coach’s use of alternating rhythms. Willingness to make these adjustments will define how deeply the coach cares about the soccer team. A third ingredient that Mayeroff analyzes in On Caring can help a coach become more successful: â€Å"Patience. †According to Mayeroff, patience does not mean waiting passively for something to occur, rather, it means that a person should actively participate in the growth of the other person. Mayeroff states, â€Å"The man who cares is patient because he believes in the growth of the other†(p. 24). Soccer, like all sports, requires practice if one is to become proficient. When a coach comes across a player who is not willing to put in time or effort, someone who gives up on the learning experience, instead of encouraging the player to quit, a caring coach might exercise patience to help the player grow. Even a talented soccer player might experience difficultly learning a skill. A coach still needs to exercise patience with that player even if in the past that player has been able to grasp skills quickly. Exercising patience with all types of players will help the coach become successful because growth will occur throughout the team. Due to varied skill levels and rates at which players adopt skills, the coach has to have a great deal of patience and teach his players different skills all within the same periods of practice. If, for instance, the coach decided to do a shooting drill with three offenders, two defenders and a goalie, when these six players run the drill, the coach should focus on each individual and recognize what can be improved on. For example, an offender might need development on a trick. Another might need to develop a move to dribble away from defenders. One offender might work on dribbling while on a break away. The defenders might need help with jockeying backwards beside an offender along with applying pressure. The goalie might need assistance with an upper left hand shot, rather than a grounder to the side of the goal. All these different aspects of play that need improvement require patience from players and the coach. A coach has to take one technique at a time with each player, while other players wait their turn. Patience will facilitate growth in all players because the coach cares enough to focus on the skills that need to be strengthened. For a coach, exercising patience, while allowing players to learn without pressure, will strengthen the team and at the same time develop the coach himself. As he continues to establish the dynamics of the team, and learn more about each player’s skill set, caring and growing increases, exemplifying how a successful coach uses patience in soccer. I distinguished three out of the eight ingredients Milton Mayeroff discusses in his book On Caring, to display how caring is exercised in the deepest manner. In order for caring to occur in soccer, a coach should implement the three ingredients of knowledge, alternating rhythms and patience. When a person in a relationship grows, caring is exemplified. The examples Mayeroff notes throughout his book helped me portray the message of caring through coaching soccer; teachers with students, parents with children, or any two people in a relationship. His examples directly correlate with coaching soccer because a coach has many relationships with his team, and has to adjust his coaching abilities to fit each player’s needs. A successful coach will see his team grow because of knowledge, alternating rhythms and patience. Understanding each of these factors is a lot for one person to take on; however, exercising them will benefit not only the players, but the coach as well. Since the coach is able to care for all of the players, he has the ability to learn from the players by taking his experiences to help grow as a successful coach. Growth cannot be accomplished in soccer without knowledge, alternating rhythms and patience. This is because there would be a lack of caring in the coaching, would result in the players not growing. Mayeroff successfully depicts that caring needs to be applied in order for players to grow, especially in soccer. Since I was able to relate the three ingredients to coaching soccer, I was able to explain how knowing, alternating rhythms and patience have to be intertwined to receive the greatest amount positive growth and success in coaching soccer. Mayeroffs Caring free essay sample Mayeroffs Major Ingredients of Caring Related to Coaching Soccer This essay explains how Milton Mayeroffs Major Ingredients of Caring, in his book, On Caring, relates to coaching soccer. There are eight ingredients that Mayeroff discusses in his book that all relate to becoming a successful coach. If a coach anaylzes and considers each ingredient, he can deeply develop his skill as a caring trainer and guide of the players in his charge. Mayeroffs basic principle is that when a person cares about someone else, the person being cared for will grow. In rder for a coach to be successful, he needs his players to grow; therefore he needs to care about all the players on his team. A mindful coach will take into consideration each ingredient that Mayeroff describes so that growth can strengthen the players individually and as a team. This essay examines the ingredients, Knowledge, Alternating Rhythms and Patience, of caring to illustrate a direct relationship between caring and coaching soccer. We will write a custom essay sample on Mayeroffs Caring or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In chapter one, Mayeroff explains the basic pattern of caring with examples of how caring affects another persons growth. Mayeroff further develops his thoughts on caring in chapter two by demonstrating how caring can be exercised by knowing, experiencing alternating rhythms, the act of patience, honesty, trust, humility, hope and courage. Analyzing and then understanding all eight ingredients that Mayeroff describes will have special importance to caring within a relationship. In coaching soccer, a successful coach will have special strengths, however in knowledge, alternating rhythms and patience. Coaching soccer requires caring and this essay will make clear how these three ingredients are essential for successful coaching. The first ingredient Mayeroff introduces is the concept of Knowing. Mayeroff breaks down knowing into different factors: specific vs. broad, implicit vs. explicit, and direct vs. indirect. The deciphering of knowledge, as Mayeroff explains it, allows a better understanding of how caring is completed with these crucial factors. Mayeroff states, To care for someone, I must know many things. I must know, for example, who the other is, what his powers and limitations are, what his needs are, and what is conducive to his growth (p. 1 3). Each of these components of knowledge is necessary in helping an ndividual grow, particularly in soccer. The foundation of a sports team, especially soccer, starts with the coach. The coach is the head of the team and therefore is required to acquire the most knowledge about the sport. A coach needs to know all aspects of the game, such as, offensive and defensive strategies, different ball skills, and the endurance it takes to be a soccer player. Also, the coach has to be able to understand all of his players: their capabilities, personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, in order for growth to occur, the coach must know his rucial part in Mayeroffs knowing ingredient. In order for a coach to be successful, knowing the characteristics of a player like, how fast they are, best position, and strength of the players kick, is important to facilitate a players growth. This way the coach can apply a different teaching method to ensure that each player will receive the information in a way that the player can understand and grow from. In soccer, knowing these characteristics can give the coach an idea of the best drills to run in practice. Also, the coach might divide the players into different groups after knowing he players strengths in specific positions on the field. Knowing all the different information makes coaching an extremely difficult task; however an attentive coach will care about learning each aspect of a player. The action of caring allows the coach to acquire the specific knowledge of his players. A coach who does not care about his players or team would be teaching in a way that is not effective to each player. The players can grow when the coach cares enough about obtaining more knowledge to teach them in a way that will increase their skills. Knowledge is not the only ngredient that leads a coach to be a successful one. Alternating rhythms is defined as the rhythm of moving back and forth between narrower and wider framework (p. 22), and is the second ingredient that Mayeroff discusses in regard to caring. While coaching soccer, the coach needs to understand that not all players will learn at the same pace or in the same way. The alternating rhythm ingredient reflects the fact that different tactics are needed for different players. A coach is a teacher: when someone does not understand a concept, a new way is determined in order for he student to comprehend the concept. Soccer is an interactive sport that requires a lot of practice to acquire the many moves and tricks that make a soccer player effective. For instance, if a player does not understand a coach through a visual example of a specific play during a corner kick, the coach needs to develop another technique to teach the player the specific play . The same thing goes for a play or a kick. A defender needs to know how to take the ball from the opposing team, and then implement offensive skills. If a coach does not teach this in a coherent manner, he player will not be able to grow. It is up to the coach to aid the player to acquire knowledge of kicks, skills and offensive and defensive plays to become successful not just in one game but also as a player. Both players and coaches have a particular way they would like to be taught; however, if a coach wants the players to grow, adjustments in technique and sacrifices of preference must mark the coachs use of alternating rhythms. Willingness to make these adjustments will define how deeply the coach cares about the soccer team. A third ingredient that Mayeroff analyzes in On Caring can help a coach become more successful: Patience. According to Mayeroff, patience does not mean waiting passively for something to occur, rather, it means that a person should actively participate in the growth of the other person. Mayeroff states, The man who cares is patient because he believes in the growth of the other (p. 24). Soccer, like all sports, requires practice if one is to become proficient. When a coach comes across a player who is not willing to put in time or effort, someone who gives up on the learning experience, instead of encouraging the layer to quit, a caring coach might exercise patience to help the player grow. Even a talented soccer player might experience difficultly learning a skill. A coach still needs grasp skills quickly. Exercising patience with all types of players will help the coach become successful because growth will occur throughout the team. Due to varied skill levels and rates at which players adopt skills, the coach has to have a great deal of patience and teach his players different skills all within the same periods of practice. If, for instance, the coach decided to do a shooting drill with three offenders, wo defenders and a goalie, when these six players run the drill, the coach should focus on each individual and recognize what can be improved on. For example, an offender might need development on a trick. Another might need to develop a move to dribble away from defenders. One offender might work on dribbling while on a break away. The defenders might need help with Jockeying backwards beside an offender along with applying pressure. The goalie might need assistance with an upper left hand shot, rather than a grounder to the side of the goal. All these ifferent aspects of play that need improvement require patience from players and the coach. A coach has to take one technique at a time with each player, while other players wait their turn. Patience will facilitate growth in all players because the coach cares enough to focus on the skills that need to be strengthened. For a coach, exercising patience, while allowing players to learn without pressure, will strengthen the team and at the same time develop the coach himself. As he continues to establish the dynamics of the team, and learn more about each players skill set, aring and growing increases, exemplifying how a successful coach uses patience in soccer. I distinguished three out of the eight ingredients Milton Mayeroff discusses in his book On Caring, to display how caring is exercised in the deepest manner. In order for caring to occur in soccer, a coach should implement the three ingredients of knowledge, alternating rhythms and patience. When a person in a relationship grows, caring is exemplified. The examples Mayeroff notes throughout his book helped me portray the message of caring through coaching soccer; teachers with tudents, parents with children, or any two people in a relationship. His examples directly correlate with coaching soccer because a coach has many relationships with his team, and has to adjust his coaching abilities to fit each players needs. A successful coach will see his team grow because of knowledge, alternating rhythms and patience. Understanding each of these factors is a lot for one person to take on; however, exercising them will benefit not only the players, but the coach as well. Since the coach is able to care for all of the players, he has the ability to learn from he players by taking his experiences to help grow as a successful coach.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Hamlets Madness
The â€Å"Big Bang†at the Hippodrome State Theatre in Downtown Gainesville, Florida is the opening play of the season. It went off with out a hitch and was raved about by a couple of friends of mine who told my girlfriend and me that we needed to attend it; so we did. â€Å"The Hippodrome State Theatre is North Florida's only professional regional theatre. Celebrating its 30th year of artistic excellence, the Hippodrome is designated as a Cultural Institution and a State Theatre of Florida†(Hippodrome website). The audience that I shared the pleasure of attending this outrageously funny version of history telling was a very diverse group. I saw people there of all ages, shapes, sizes, colors, and of course sexes. Being that it is a College town there is always going to be more people from the age bracket of 18 – 25 at an event like this. Some events this may not be the case, but in the case of a comedic play down town this is approximately normal. It is a story of history, a recreation play of all the major events in history. It has a very comedic view of how the world has lived and evolved over the centuries all the way up to what we know as today. The play begins with the two off Broadway creators, â€Å"Jed†and â€Å"Boyd†. These men are in the borrowed Park Avenue penthouse of Mrs. Sidney Lipbalm to perform their new creation, an epic musical that spans the history of the world from the Big Bang to the present, for potential backers. Their play is budgeted for $83.5 million with a cast of 318 performers and 6,428 costumes. The average running time is 12 hours. Lucky for the backers, the people in the audience, the creators will only be performing â€Å"highlights†of the impending extravaganza. The two creators accompanied by a third actor on the piano perform eighteen side splitting musical numbers, singing, dancing, narrating, and portraying every major figure in world and pop history from Adam and Eve, Attila the Hun, J... Free Essays on Hamlets Madness Free Essays on Hamlets Madness The â€Å"Big Bang†at the Hippodrome State Theatre in Downtown Gainesville, Florida is the opening play of the season. It went off with out a hitch and was raved about by a couple of friends of mine who told my girlfriend and me that we needed to attend it; so we did. â€Å"The Hippodrome State Theatre is North Florida's only professional regional theatre. Celebrating its 30th year of artistic excellence, the Hippodrome is designated as a Cultural Institution and a State Theatre of Florida†(Hippodrome website). The audience that I shared the pleasure of attending this outrageously funny version of history telling was a very diverse group. I saw people there of all ages, shapes, sizes, colors, and of course sexes. Being that it is a College town there is always going to be more people from the age bracket of 18 – 25 at an event like this. Some events this may not be the case, but in the case of a comedic play down town this is approximately normal. It is a story of history, a recreation play of all the major events in history. It has a very comedic view of how the world has lived and evolved over the centuries all the way up to what we know as today. The play begins with the two off Broadway creators, â€Å"Jed†and â€Å"Boyd†. These men are in the borrowed Park Avenue penthouse of Mrs. Sidney Lipbalm to perform their new creation, an epic musical that spans the history of the world from the Big Bang to the present, for potential backers. Their play is budgeted for $83.5 million with a cast of 318 performers and 6,428 costumes. The average running time is 12 hours. Lucky for the backers, the people in the audience, the creators will only be performing â€Å"highlights†of the impending extravaganza. The two creators accompanied by a third actor on the piano perform eighteen side splitting musical numbers, singing, dancing, narrating, and portraying every major figure in world and pop history from Adam and Eve, Attila the Hun, J...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Definition and Examples of Display Question
Definition and Examples of Display Question A display question is a type of rhetorical question to which the questioner already knows the answer. Also called a known information question. Different from erotesis questions, display questions are often used for instructional purposes. Theyre used to determine if students are able to display their knowledge of factual content. Examples and Observations So as I have just demonstrated, children, he was saying now, grass is very nice to sit on, but be careful because it can tickle. Now, can anyone tell me the name of this handsome creature over here?Is it a rhino, sir? said a girl called Caroline.Very close, Caroline, said Alan Taylor kindly. Actually, it is known as an ant. Now who can tell me- (Andy Stanton, Mr. Gum and the Cherry Tree. Egmont, 2010)In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of theanyone? anyone?- the Great Depression, passed theanyone? anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone? Raised or lowered? Raised tariffs in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression. Today we have a similar debate over this. Anyone know what this is? Class? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone seen this before?(Ben Stein as th e economics teacher in Ferris Buellers Day Off, 1986) The [drivers education] class was taught by an old and embittered veteran of the New York City public school system who had the looks and the attitude of, come to think of it, me these days. His form of instruction was Socratic, relentlessly so.What is the purpose of the steering wheel? he asked.The elderly Jewish ladies looked at their shoes. The Chinese stared into space. The black guys continued slanging each other.What is the purpose of the steering wheel? the teacher asked again and got the same response. . . .And so it went for a month and a half. The teacher asked a painfully simple question. Nobody said anything. The teacher repeated the painfully simple question. Nobody said anything.(P.J. ORourke, Driving Like Crazy. Atlantic Monthly Press, 2009) The Purpose of Display Questions Something that the media interview and the classroom interaction have in common is the use of display questions. . . . The purpose of a display question is to put knowledge or information on public display. In the classroom, this is an important way of transmitting and testing knowledge for teachers and students. In these display question situations such as classrooms and quizzes, the questioner follows up the answer by stating whether it is the correct one or not. However, in media interviews, . . . the follow up is very often left to the listener or viewer.(Anne OKeeffe, Michael McCarthy, and Ronald Carter, From Corpus to Classroom: Language Use and Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2007) The Lighter Side of Display Questions Texas Ranger: The teacher asked me what was the capital of North Carolina. I said Washington, D.C.Cal Naughton, Jr.: Bingo.Ricky Bobby: Nice.Texas Ranger: She said, No, youre wrong. I said, You got a lumpy butt. She got mad at me and yelled at me and I pissed in my pants and I never did change my pee-pants all day. Im still sitting in my dirty pee-pants.Cal Naughton, Jr.: I wet my bed until I was nineteen. Theres no shame in that.(Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, 2006)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Art History of 20th Century Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Art History of 20th Century - Research Paper Example Pollok made most of his painting on canvas rather than on the wall, and this was to make them more portable. Most of his works were a mixture of controllable and uncontrollable factors1. Lynda Benglis on her part is an American sculptor and visual artist majorly known for her wax painting and poured latex sculptures. She also used drip style to make her works. She was a professional photographer as she had studied artwork at a college. Given that most of her works were sensual in nature, they were ignored for a long time.  Given that Pollok paintings were made on canvas rather than on walls, which is common. His paintings were or portable and could easily move to the museum. This work is significant and, therefore, can be easily seen by those visiting the place. Their placement on the wall at points that it could be viewed easily by people of all heights since it’s not too high or too low. A group of viewers can as well look at it at the same as it is large and full2. Pollok believed that the size of his works had a direct relationship with how and to what extent viewers and he would bond and be part of the painting. Lynda Benglis, on the other hand, made a sculpture that could not be hanging but place on a flat surface for viewing. Her sculpture is smaller compared to the paintings of Pollok. It is only visible to a keen viewer who had the intention of looking for this particular artwork in the gallery. The location of Benglis’ sculpture Batt puts it out of sight and away from other artistic works with which they fall into the same category. The disadvantage to the painter and the lovers of their works as it takes longer to locate them thus according to them with little or no publicity. Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How can the knowledge of first-language articulation interference Essay
How can the knowledge of first-language articulation interference positively affect the educational or work setting - Essay Example With most forms of communication in educational cycles and the labor force being through either written or spoken language, it is very important that all people equip themselves with a kind of language with which these forms of communication will be conveyed. Unfortunately, we are not always privileged to take instructions at school and in the work place via the first language. Some of the factors that cause this include migration and the need to work under superiors who speak a different language. In such circumstance, the most likely option that becomes left is the need to adapt to a second language. Happily, idea of a first language would already make the effort to learn the second language easier. Again, it is possible to undertake personal research and general studies in a first language so that transfer of idea is done into the second language for further interpretation. Finally, one of the positive effects includes the fact that language acquisition is not just about the abili ty to speak and write but that the ability to gain general communication skills such as the use of gestures, manners and courtesies. Once a person can do all these in a first language, it becomes easier to transfer these other components of communication at school or at the work
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Personal Moral Essay Example for Free
Personal Moral Essay The personal moral that has the most impact on how I go about living my life is self-respect. Self-respect impacts my life in such a way that has guided me in the right direction and will continue to assist me in the positive direction as I go through life. Establishing self-respect resulted in creating my own identity that has been a foundation for my lifestyle. When I established that strong foundation of self-respect, I began to carry myself as a leader amongst my peers and not give in to common mistakes that come through acts of peer pressure. A sense of self-respect has also resulted in me effectively using my common sense and avoiding preventable and unnecessary errors. By valuing my self-respect, I can respect others and treat them with a sense of worth, as I would expect people to treat me. In order to be successful as a FBI agent, I must respect the multitude of diverse people, opinions, and circumstances that are present in the world. My self-respect has directed me to choose to surround myself with like-minded people who also have positive genuine attitudes, positive traits, and are working to establish and achieve their goals. Self-respect has assisted in my decision-making and problem solving processes. Because I value my self-respect, I have pride and dignity in everything I do. Self-respect is needed in my lifes journey towards independence. Self-respect is not an option for me but is a mandatory principle of my life. It allows me to be open to accepting various viewpoints and constructive criticism from others so that I can become mentally and morally secure and empowered. The enhancements that self-respect adds to the overall outcome of my lifes lessons are the significant influences that increase the gained benefits of my lifes experiences.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Anorexia Nervosa Essay -- essays research papers
Anorexia nervosa is a life threatening eating disorder defined by a refusal to maintain fifteen percent of a normal body weight through self-starvation (NAMI 1). Ninety-five percent of anorexics are women between the ages of twelve and eighteen, however, â€Å"†¦in the past twenty years, this disorder has become a growing threat to high school and college students†(Maloney and Kranz 60). Anorexia produces a multitude of symptoms, and if not treated, anorexia can lead to permanent physical damage or death. Anorexic behavior is complex because it is all about the need for control. Someone suffering from anorexia has a distorted body image of himself or herself. He/she believes to be overweight, even though twenty percent of the time he/she is not (Yancey 59). The image of being overweight causes a low self-esteem. Symptoms of low self-esteem are loneliness, inadequacy in talents, a lack of trust in people and themselves, insecurity, identification with a specific peer group, and sadness. The media displays the ideal human body as thin and beautiful. Anorexic’s lives are full of confusion and lack of control. To the anorexic, to be thin is to be in control. The state of control to the anorexic is the ideal life without confusion and difficulties. In most cases, the anorexic is intelligent; popular among his/her peers, athletic, talented, and viewed as a role model to most people he/she comes in contact with. In reality, the issues in daily living are too difficult for the anorexic resulting in a lack of control in his/her life. The anorexic’s answer to a confusing life is to starve the body. The behavioral symptoms of the anorexia are counting calories, eating little food, baking treats for everyone and giving them away in hope of controlling not only the anorexic’s intake of his/her food, but also others. â€Å"Playing†with food at meal times is common behavior of the anorexic. When the meal is complete, the anorexic has disguised food intake by pushing the food around on the plate and hiding food in napkins. To dress in layers to hide the distinct weight loss and to avoid social activities where eating is involved are common behavioral symptoms. Behavioral symptoms of the anorexic can go unnoticed by most people. These symptoms are very secretive and oblivious to outsiders because the behavior is not out of the ordinary. Although the behavioral symptoms of the anore... ...cising, reading, and establishing new friendships are encouraged when the anorexic’s mood rises to an unhealthy level. Voluntary self-starvation, anorexia nervosa, is physically and psychologically dangerous. Loss of the body fat from the severe weight loss can impair the body by putting stress on the bones from lack of calcium. Dehydration can be deadly because the body needs the correct water balance, and without this proper balance, the kidneys can shut down. Malnutrition can lead to brain damage. Amenorrhea can cause infertility and put stress on tiny bones making them prone to breakage. Amenorrhea can also produce an interference of the reproductive hormone that protects the body against heart failure and osteoporosis. Severe depression in anorexics occurs from hopelessness and shame and can lead to suicide. Even though the behavioral, nutritional, cognitive, interpersonal, and psychotherapy treatment for anorexia is a long-term process, it is crucial to the anorexic person to receive treatment, or the physical consequences and psychological consequences can lead to permanent damage and sometime s death. Notable research on the treatment of the anorexic continues worldwide.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Global Warming as a Social Problem Essay
Today’s society consists of many different social problems. Social problems can range from affecting certain parts of society to affecting the world’s society. Social problems are â€Å"situations affecting a significant number of people, that are believed to be sources of difficulty or threaten the stability of the community†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( The definition of the term ‘social problem’ can range from a minute case to a widespread problem. A social problem can also be considered as a â€Å"social condition that a segment of society views as harmful to members of society [that is] in need of remedy.†Social problems range with each individual person. Every person has a unique perspective of what is a problem and what is not. An easy way to clarify what a social problem is if there is a public outcry for a solution to it. While most commonly thought of social problems are based on discrimination and stereotypes, one specific social problem that does not fit into these standards is global warming. Global warming is â€Å"an increase in earth’s average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate†¦ that may result from the greenhouse effect†( As a social problem, global warming is a fairly large and broad topic. The greenhouse effect is an environmental condition caused by excessive quantities of carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. These definitions are simply physical definitions. In terms of being a social problem, global warming and the greenhouse affect yields harmful effects on every community and society as a whole. This type of social problem does not choose its victim based on race, gender, sexual orientation, class, income, age, or any stereotypical category a person can be placed in. Not every person is equally affected by this, but everyone is susceptible to dealing with this problem. The greenhouse effect is a factor in causing global warming. Global warming is caused by many factors and different kinds of pollution. The main type of pollution that affects global warming is air pollution. Air pollution is simply defined as pollution of the atmosphere, which ties in with the greenhouse effect. Air pollution can also be defined as â€Å"the addition of harmful chemicals to the atmosphere. The most serious air pollution results from the burning of fossil fuels, especially in internal-combustion engines†( Air pollution, along with any other type of pollution are mostly caused by human’s actions. The way people live today, and how they use their resources in daily life results in everyday pollution. Pollution can be considered as an â€Å"undesirable state of the natural environment being contaminated with harmful substances as a consequence of human activities†( People may not realize this, but their actions directly affect their surroundings. Completing daily tasks such as driving a car has detrimental effects on Earth’s atmosphere and pollution levels. Global warming causes physical harm to humans, animals, and plant life. A change in the Earth’s climate could be detrimental to the Earth’s life. The physical harm that is inflicted on all of living life due to global warming poses as a problem: a social problem. Global warming does not choose its victim based on any type of criteria such as race, age, gender, sexual orientation, class, income, or any stereotypical category. Global warming poses as a social problem by affecting a significant number of people, and by threatening the stability of the community’s environment. Since pollution is one of the main factors in causing global warming, it also comes with health effects. These effects range from being short-term to being long-term. Short-term effects can be as simple as headaches nausea, and allergic reactions such as irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat. Infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia can also occur. An example in history of health effects from pollution can be found in the â€Å"Smog Disaster†in 1952 located in London. In this â€Å"Smog Disaster†a total of four thousand people passed in only a few days. The death of these civilians was due to the high concentrations of pollution (Paraphrased from Long-term health effects â€Å"include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys†( Research has shown that younger children and elderly people are more sensitive to pollution compared to the general public. â€Å"Continual exposure to air pollution affects the lungs of growing children and may aggravate or complicate medical conditions in the elderly†( â€Å"Young children and elderly people often suffer more from the effects of air pollution†( With global warming not being in full affect, the extents of the effects are currently unknown. The effects of global warming are only just beginning with mild winters and extremely hot summers. The climate change can be subtle or dramatic depending on how quickly it occurs. The increase in temperature in the climate either way will be harmful. With temperature increase’s ice caps in the Artic and Antarctica are melting at increasing rates. The melting of ice caps can have many changes includes the destruction of the habitat in the Artic as well as rising sea levels. â€Å"Global warming could push sea levels about 40 percent higher than current models predict†( â€Å"Models suggest that by 2100 sea level[s] will be between four and thirty-five inches†¦ higher than it was in 1990†( Ocean front properties and beaches can be destroyed and submerged in water because of these rising sea levels. The higher the temperatures and climates increase, the faster the sea levels will rise. A comparison of this at a minor scale could be like a house built in a flood plain next to a river. The more it rains the higher the water will rise. If the water rises to high, it will flood the flood plain, and destroy the house. Coastal areas will be affected similarly. A person could think of the coastal areas as a flood plain for the oceans. Ice caps melt from the rising temperatures, as the water heats up (even just slightly), the water will begin to expand. As the water expands the sea level will rise. Solutions to global warming and its effects range vastly. There are several different types of solutions ranging from micro-level solutions to macro-level solutions. Solutions can range from fuel-efficient vehicles to more environmental laws. Solutions to global warming may not fully diminish the problem, it may only reduce it. Renewable resources could play a main role in the solutions to reducing global warming. A key point is that if we were to switch to renewable resources it would cost the government a lot of money, which could result in higher taxes or some other means of obtaining the necessary amount of money. A plus to using renewable resources is the fact that in the long run they would pay for themselves. Not only would it provide jobs for the people who would be forced to leave the nonrenewable resources, it would also be opening up opportunities for the unemployed. Along with making our environment a safer and more hazard free living zone, we’d also be leading towards a better economy. Our current economy state is negatively thought of, and switching to nonrenewable resources could put our government in debt. After so many years renewable resources will not only repay its own debt, but it will also produce a profit. The term renewable resources are â€Å"relating to a natural resource, such as solar energy, water, or wood, that is never used up or that can be replaced by new growth. Resources that are dependent on regrowth can sometimes be depleted beyond the point of renewability, as when the deforestation of land leads to desertification or when a commercially valuable species is harvested to extinction. Pollution can also make a renewable resource such as water unusable in a particular location†( The future problems dealing with global warming will lead to such massive problems that a solution and change will be demanded. Global warming is a social problem because of the public outcry that is already occurring. The state of our current economy is negatively thought of. If we were to invest in new solutions for global warming it would be a great cost. If we were to pay for the projects to reduce global warming that we believe will have an effect may put our country in great debt. If the country were to switch to fuel-efficient and renewable resources in all institutes and factories it would be a great cost. A good way to evaluate the methods of our solutions to global warming would involve technology we already possess. Measuring CO2 levels in the atmosphere and the amounts of trash and liter in our surrounding environment in comparison to the current and predicted conditions would only be a start. Actually comparing climate conditions to the predicted conditions would be a good evaluation. If the climate is kept at an average as it is now, in comparison to the higher climates predicted for the future, we would be able to tell if the solutions were taking effect. WORKS CITED 1. 2. 3.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Economic System of Western After the Breakup of Fuedalism
The distinguished in the nineteenth century and it†s collapse in the twentieth century have led to similar, though much slower and less obvious, process in the course of modern science. Today†s frantic development in the field of technology has a quality reminiscent of the days preceding the economic crash of 1929. The clearest evidence of it may be seen in such comparatively young sciences such as psychology and political economy. In psychology, one may observe the attempt to study human behavior without reference to the fact that man is conscious. In political economy, one may observe the attempt to study and device social systems without reference to man. Political economy came into prominence in the 19th century, in the era of philosophies post kantian disintegration, and no one rose to check its premises or to challenge its base. Political economist-including the advocates of capitalism-defined their sciences as the study of management or direction or organization or manipulation of â€Å"community†s†or nations resources. The author goes on to say that the European culture regarded material productions as work that should be done by slaves or serfs but not first class citizens. It must be remembered that the institution of private property, in the full, legal meaning of the term, was brought into existence only by capitalism. In the pre-capitalist eras, private property existed de facto but not de jure, i. e. by custom and sufferance, not by right or by law. In law and in principle all land belonged to the head of the tribe, the king, and was held only by permission, which could be revoked at any time. CAPITALISM, a term used to donate the economic systems that has been dominate in the western world since the breakup of feudalism. Fundamental to any system called capitalist are the relations between private owners of non-personal means of production (land mines, industrial plants, etc†¦. collectively known as capital) and free but capitalizes workers, who sell their labor services to employers. The resulting wage bargains determines the proportion in which the total products of society will be shared between the class of laborers and the class of capitalist entrepreneurs. Productive use of the â€Å"social surplus†was special virtue that enabled capitalism to outstrip all prior economic systems. Instead of building pyramids and cathedrals, those in command of the social surplus chose to invest in ships, warehouses, raw materials, finished goods and other material forms of wealth. There is of course, no such thing as a â€Å"social surplus. †All wealth is produced by somebody and belongs to somebody. Mans essential characteristic is his rational faculty. man†s mind is his basic means of survival-his only means of gaining knowledge. If some men do not choose to think, they can survive only by imitating and repeating a routine of work discovered by others-but those others had to discover it, or none would have survived. If men do not choose to think or to work, they can survive (temporarily) only by looting the goods produced by others-but those others had to produce them or none would have survived. Man cannot survive as animals do, by the mere guidance of perceptions. He cannot provide for his simplest physical need without process of thought. e needs a process of thought to discover how to plant and grow food or how to make weapons for hunting. His precepts might lead him to a cave. No precepts or instincts will tell him how to light a fire. Is man a sovereign individual who owns his person, his mind, his life, his work and it†s products-or is he the property of the tribe (the state, the society, the collective) that may dispose of him any way it pleases, that may dictate his convictions, prescribe the course of his life, control his work and expropriate his products? Does man have the right? To exist for his own sake-or is he born of bondage, as an indentures servant who must keep buying his life by serving the tribe but can never acquire it free and clear. In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary. Men are free to cooperate or not, to deal with one another or not, as their own individual judgments, convictions, and interests dictate. They can deal with one another only in terms of and by means of reason, i. e. by means of discussion, persuasion, and contractual agreement, by voluntary choice, by voluntary choice of mutual benefit. The right to agree with others is not a problem in any society; it is the right to disagree that crucial. It is the institution of private property the protects and implements the rights to disagree-and thus keeps the roaf open to man†s most valuable attribute (valuable personally, socially, and objectively): the creative mind. The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human relationships: basically, rights can be violated by only means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group may initiate the use of physical force against others. The only function of the government is such a society is, the task of protecting man†s rights, i. e. the task of protecting him from physical force. The author goes on to say that the only time the government can use force is when there is retaliation. Such there is no such entity as â€Å"society†since society is only a number of individual men, this meant, in practice, that the rulers did not abide by the moral laws only subject to traditional rituals, they held total power and exacted blind obedience. They believed good which is good for the society. The most profoundly revolutionary achievement of the United States of America was subordination of society to moral law. The principle of man†s individual rights represented the extension of morality into the social system-as a limitation tot he power of the state, as man†s protection against the brute force of the collective. He goes onto say the United States was the first moral state. I don†t know what kind of morals the author is actually referring to. A right is a moral principle defining and sanctioning a mans freedom of action in a social context. There is only one fundamental â€Å"right†: mans right to his own life. The right to life is the source of all rights-and the right to property is their only implementation. He goes on to say all previous systems had regarded man as a sacrificial means to the end of others, and society as a means to a peaceful, orderly, voluntary, coexistence of individuals. All previous systems had regard man†s life as society property that they could dispose of him anytime they felt like it Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain life by his own effort, the man who has no right to property is a right to action, like all the others: it is not the right to an object, but to the action and consequences of producing or earning that object. It is not a guarantee that am man will earn any property, but only a guarantee that he will own it if he earn it. It is the right to gain, to keep , to use and to dispose of material values. To violate man†s right means to compel him against his own judgment, or to expropriate his values. there is only on why to do it: by the use of physical force.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Autonomy And Independence In Social Care Social Policy Essay Essays
Autonomy And Independence In Social Care Social Policy Essay Essays Autonomy And Independence In Social Care Social Policy Essay Essay Autonomy And Independence In Social Care Social Policy Essay Essay This study will critically research how far societal attention statute law and policies have contributed to the liberty and independency of people with larning disablement jobs. The study is divided in four chief inquiries that will take to an advanced apprehension of the subject. It begins by specifying the word larning disablement in societal attention, followed by an account of what the attention needs of people with disablement jobs are. A treatment on why it is necessary to advance the liberty and independency of handicapped people will be followed by a description of related statute laws such as disablement favoritism act. In analyzing the statute law, it will be shown how far it has contributed to the liberty and independency of people with disablement. Explain WHAT THE CARE NEEDS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY PROBLEMS MAY BE. A definition of larning disablement is included in the â€Å"Valuing People†and provinces that larning disablement includes the presence of: â€Å"A significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to larn new accomplishments ( impaired intelligence ) , with a decreased ability to get by independently ( impaired societal operation ) ; which started before maturity, with a permanent consequence on development†( DoH 2001 ) . The impact of disablement motion on concerns and service proviso are major, as accommodating to the handicapped demands by physical alterations, such as inclines, lowered light switches and lowered response desks and payphones. The impact of the Social Policy of Britain has been impacted really profoundly, and has been able to do important betterment non merely to the persons who have disablement but to the general populace. ( Borsay, 2005 ) The country of wellness entree is going a major concern. This is due to a figure of other factors, which include. The increased length of service for people with larning disablements with the manifestation of different wellness concerns linked to age. The endurance of kids with multiple disablements into grownups with complex demands. The acknowledgment of certain conditions linked to specific disablements such as Alzheimer s and Down s syndrome. The advancement of deinstitutionalisation is about complete and the staying big institutions/hospitals are shuting and the developments of services in the community are faced with challenges. ( Swain et al, 2003 ) Some of these factors were antecedently identified within the papers â€Å"Signpost for Success†DoH ( 1998 ) and are once more mentioned partially in â€Å"Valuing People†DoH ( 2001 ) . Besides within the White Paper â€Å"Valuing People†is the acknowledgment that people with larning disablements holding higher wellness demands than the general population ( DoH 2001 p6 ) . These wellness demands are as a consequence of increased incidence of epilepsy ; intellectual paralysis prevalence for both of these conditions is thought to be three times higher than the general population ( Drake,2002 ) , ocular jobs, hearing troubles and increased alveolar consonant demands. It is recognised that persons with acquisition disablements are sometimes deprived of the best criterion of wellness attention service expected by people who do non hold larning disablements ( Drake, 2002 ) . In fact despite their higher wellness demands people with larning disablements entree primary wellness attention less than the general population ( Shakespeare, 2003 ) . It is indispensable that this inequality of attention be addressed and unless this is done with the support of the specializer services, and community larning disablement nurses in peculiar, the health-related demands of people with larning disablements will go on to be overlooked ( Oliver et al,1996 ) . DISCUSS WHY IT IS NECESSARY TO PROMOTE AUTONOMY AND INDEPENDENCE Autonomy refers to the recognition that a patient is an person who is besides allowed to be given basic rights like the right to information, the right to have attention and intervention and the right to confidentiality ( Dalley, 1991 ) . When a patient understands clearly the effects of following or declining his intervention which is called the rule of informed consent, should be the chief thought in the attentions mind when suggesting any signifier of intervention ( Dalley, 1991 ) . The cardinal quandary is that of equilibrating the person s liberty and civil autonomy with the demand to protect both the person and the populace from perceived hazard. In add-on, how far should larn disablement go in keeping a map of societal control? Swain ( 2003 ) believes that when a nurse does non admit their function as an agent of societal control, that fuel the populace s misconceptions that environment larning disablement. The word ‘care is every bit misdirecting its application of caring for ; ( protect ion/supervision ) and caring for ; ( worry or show concern ) . From the position of people with disablements, protected or supervised can sound patronising and disempowering. The demand for supervisory attention undermines the populaces ability to see people with damage as independent people. To most people the term ‘care high spots a dependence as do most of the charities set up to back up the demands of people with disablements. ( Borsay,2005 ) Medical services entirely are unable to authorise a individual with a disablement to populate independently in the community. The proviso of the right equipment and comfortss would authorise the individual to exert more control over their life. This can merely be achieved by the individual with the damage make up ones minding on the degree of attention that is provided and the equipment required for them to accomplish ego fulfillment. The Care Standards Act 2000 gives independency but non autonomy and once more restricted by fiscal restraints. We frequently see fund raising strategies to raise money to buy wheelchairs for kids with multiple induration and spasticity as the specializer equipment gives them the freedom of mobility with out high dependence. This equipment is non available through the public assistance system ; nevertheless we do pay ?3,800+ per hebdomad for people to go to drug rehabilitation units to assist them recover control of their lives. Swain and Cameron define liberty as the ability to do knowing penchants sing attention program and execution, ( Swain et al, 2003 ) . DESCRIBE THE RELEVANT LEGISLATION AND POLICY Peoples with disablements face favoritism from a defect or loophole in the very statute law that is set up to protect them from favoritism ; by allowing the rights of owners and concerns to do merely ‘reasonable accommodations to undertake disenabling barriers. Due to the land of fundss, preservation and practicality, handicapped people are non treated reasonably due to impairment ( Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 ) . These barriers can be reflecting in the statistics published by the Disability Rights Commission in 2005, proposing merely half of handicapped grownups at working age are in employment, compared with four out of five non-disabled people in employment. The DDA 1995 was introduced to forestall people with disablements from being discriminated on their rights to employment, lodging and entree to installations or services. The stipulates accommodations required by employers but merely for employers who employ 15 people or more and sensible accommodations made by lodging associations to supply entree to lodging. The word reasonable can be understood or explained in assorted ways which lives an unfastened door to some private landlords whom can know apart on the evidences that they can afford to do the accommodations required. Structures of the edifices do non necessitate to be changed and an alternate entree can be made. This is already handling handicapped people otherwise on evidences of damage and seting a monetary value ticket on their equality and disempowering people with damages. ( Barnes, 2002 ) ANALYSE HOW FAR THE LEGISLATION/POLICY OUTLINED CONTRIBUTES TO THE INDIVIDUAL S AUTONOMY AND INDEPENDENCE. Merely in 1995 it became illegal in Britain to know apart against handicapped people ‘in connexion with employment, the commissariats of goods, installations and services and instruction . The ‘weak and toothless jurisprudence of 1995, was amended after the Particular Educational Needs and Disability Act was implemented in 2001, which made it improper for instruction suppliers to know apart against handicapped students, pupils and grownup scholars. The disablement Rights committee in add-on to other disablement bureaus are pressing the authorities to adhere to new programs to turn to the low expected institutes and systems to be able to supply premium, service for all particular demands people. ( Oliver, 1996 ) Before the Disability Discrimination Act, handicapped people could lawfully be refused employment by employers. The handicapped people will unreasonably match to occupations of lower position and lower wage occupations, as a consequence of hapless foundation schooling and the deficiency of chances that was made available for the handicapped, as mentioned earlier. The stigmatism occurred when the disabled were deemed as ‘unemployable and those who were in employment were openly discriminated against, due to the bulk sentiment. Employers had a stereotyped mentality to the ability and degree of productiveness of handicapped people. The authorization of the handicapped people is an country of reference. The rise of the disablement motion has been based on authorization of themselves, as it has been chiefly led by the handicapped themselves. This encourages the handicapped users of service to denote integrity, and to supply the people of the society a position of ‘ability as opposed to ‘disability . The Community Care Act 1996 is a clear illustration of efforts of increasing the employment for handicapped people. This has had many benefits as the authorities allows local governments to let go of financess straight to service users, who purchase their ain services and allocate the services to which they assess as being eligible. It empowers the users to measure their ain demands and decide which services cater for their specific demands. The amendments to the jurisprudence suggest that the society every bit good as the authorities were neglecting in supplying handicapped people with what they required as worlds. British society by doing necessary versions to Torahs and services automatically give in to the statement that disabled people were non treated every bit, were non provided for every bit and were non perceived as equal to those without disablement. The significance of the credence of the handicapped people may be more satisfying to them as opposed to the statute laws that were amended to supply for demands, although I do non minimize the benefit that came out of the amendments. The manner in which they were addressed has besides been impacted as they were called â€Å"crippled†which may hold been violative, to the more recognized â€Å"people with disability†. With respects to the societal theoretical account the authorities has failed to carry through their full intent of supplying for all, hence has impacted them by coercing them into doing alterations. ( Cameron, 2003 ) The impact of disablement motion on concerns and service proviso are besides major, as accommodating to the handicapped demands by physical alterations, such as inclines, lowered light switches and lowered response desks and payphones. The impact of the Social Policy of Britain has been impacted really profoundly, and has been able to do important betterment non merely to the persons who have disablement but to the general populace. However, Borsay ( 2005 ) argues that there are many countries in the act ( DDA ) that have loop holes such as instruction and conveyance, and this makes it far from comprehensive. The Act negotiations about the conveyance demands but yet it merely talks about how the new conveyance have to run into minimal entree criterions for handicapped people, but it merely applies to set down base conveyance. Even countries such as employment are limited, for illustration, the act does non use to the armed services and before 2004, and it merely covered employers who employ 15 or more people. The act is really weak for illustration the definition of disablement stated in the act is defined narrowly In footings of damage and is guided by the badness of the damage instead than by the experience of favoritism. Some damages and medical conditions have non been covered such as HIV and Aids, despite the fact that they are another beginning of favoritism. ( Drake, 2002 ) Although there are many schemes to take or cut down bias in society, for handicapped people favoritism remains a important job at all degrees, as favoritism will ever happen because of the people s attitudes and positions against a individual with a disablement in our society. Therefore no affair how many Acts of the Apostless statute laws are in force, favoritism is an on-going job in society, as we can non pass for peoples attitudes in society. The society should work on educating people about a individual with a disablement and do them more cognizant that a handicapped individual is no inferior to any other individual hence no favoritism should be made due to a individual s disablement. Therefore the societal theoretical account of disablement should be in practise, although it is easier said than done to educate all nescient attitudes in society environing disablement. It may be argued that merely a handicapped individual is able to grok what it is like to be discriminated on the evidences of employment, instruction and conveyance. Mentions Books Borsay, A. ( 2005 ) Disability and Social Policy in Britain since 1750. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Dalley, G. ( 1991 ) Disability A ; Social Policy. London: Policy Studies Institute. Oliver, M. ( 1996 ) Understanding disablement from theory to pattern. Hampshire: Macmillan Press Ltd. Pierson, J. , Thomas, M. ( 2002 ) Dictionary of Social Work. Glasgow: Harper Collins Shakespeare, T. ( 2003 ) The Disability Reader Social Science Perspectives. London: Contiuum. Boyfriend, J. , Finkelstein, V, Oliver, M. ( 1993 ) Disabling Barriers Enabling Environments. London: Sage Publications. Boyfriend, J. , French, S. , Cameron, C. ( 2003 ) Controversial Issues in a Disabling Society. Buckingham: Open University Press. Diaries Barnes, C. ( 2002 ) Disability, Politics and Policy in Policy and Politics. Vol 30 No 3. Drake, R.F. ( 2002 ) Disabled people, Voluntary Administrations and engagement in Policy Making in Policy and Politics. Vol 30 No 3 Web sites General Social Care Council. [ Online ] , Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 10th Nov 2006 ] hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // CONTENT_ID=4001076 A ; chk=AftwGD hypertext transfer protocol: //
Monday, November 4, 2019
Autism Essay Autism Essay 3 An Assessment of Autism Autism is a physical disorder of the brain that causes a lifelong developmental disability. The many different symptoms of autism can occur by themselves or in combination with other conditions such as: mental retardation, blindness, deafness, and epilepsy. Children with autism vary widely in their abilities and behavior. Each symptom may appear differently in each child. Children with autism often show some forms of bizarre, repetitive behavior called stereotyped behavior. Each child with autism is unique, with their own individual range of symptoms and behaviors. Broad areas of similarity have been identified so that it is now possible to make some basic general statements about what children with autism are like as a group. Some symptoms and characteristics are: failure to develop normal socialization, problems in speech, language, and communication, strange relationships to objects and events, unusual responses to sensory stimulation, and progress delays. Autism 4 Scientists do not know why some children have autism. Studies have found that people with autism have differences in the structure of their cerebellums. Research is still unclear to be able to draw conclusions to biological and genetic causes. Scientists have only identified one specific genetic connection with autism. A genetic syndrome called, fragile X syndrome. Fragile X syndrome is a recently discovered form of genetically caused mental retardation. Both sexes are affected by fragile X syndrome, with males usually more seriously affected. Children with fragile X syndrome can have behavior problems such as: hyperactivity, aggression, self-injury, and autistic-like behaviors. Severe language delays and problems are common. Delayed motor development and poor sensory skills are also disabilities associated with fragile X syndrome (Jordan Powell, 1995). In the United States, there are at least 400,000 people with autism, about one-third of them are children. Autism is one of the most common developmental disabilities (Harris Weiss, 1998). Autism 5 For reasons researchers don not know, autism occurs about three to four times more frequently in boys than in girls. For children with more severe cognitive limitations, the ratio is closer to two to one. For the group of children with higher cognitive skills, boys are more frequently represented at a rate greater than four to one. Girls, when affected, are more likely to be more seriously affected by symptoms of autism (Quill, 1995, p. 219). To many experts and parents the number of children with autism seems to be increasing at a faster pace than before. In fact, some recent research studies of the occurrence of autism suggest that it is twice as high as previous studies had indicated (Jordan Powell, 1995). Fortunately, the understanding of the needs of children is changing just as is the care applied to the diagnostic process. This is leading to better understanding of the importance of tailoring educational, social, and communication involvement to the needs and strengths of children with autism (Quill, 1995, p. 167). Autism 6 When autism was identified in 1943, it was a disorder that was misinterpreted and puzzled most professionals. Since than, studies have given us understanding into autism as a brain based disorder which children are born with. Though no cure has been found to date to treat children with autism, researchers are on the brink of discovery one (Harris Weiss, 1998). .
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Role of the Nurse to manage a patient with Myocardial Infarction Speech or Presentation
Role of the Nurse to manage a patient with Myocardial Infarction - Speech or Presentation Example Any signs of irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and pallor should be noticed. Next, diagnostic evaluation is important in which the nurse should look for ST segment elevation or depression to decide if it is ST-elevation MI or non-ST elevation MI (Nursing Care Plans 2014). ECG results and vital signs should be recorded. This is an important feature of nursing intervention for MI. Oxygen supplementation should be immediately started in case the patient is experiencing severe dyspnoea. ECG should be performed during acute pain attack also (Cardiac Care Network 2013). Fluid retention and high cholesterol levels can create a problem, so diet and lifestyle changes should be strictly maintained to reduce both fluid retention and cholesterol levels (Mok et al. 2013, p. 256). Before giving any medicine to the patient, the nurse should carefully evaluate if he/she is allergic to the medicine or not. Many MI patients can be allergic to aspirin in which case it should not be given. Statins should be given to reduce cholesterol level and ACE inhibitors should be administered to reduce blood pressure level. Beta-blockers should also be given to reduce workload of the heart, but care should be taken when giving beta-blockers in patients who have a very slow pulse ( Kenny 2012b). In context of ethical consideration, obtaining informed consent of the patient is critically important (Andreae, Ekstedt & Snellman 2011). Patient autonomy or respect for what a patient wants is also an important ethical consideration. Also in the care of MI patients, it should be ensured that resources are fairly distributed and no harm is provided to the patient due to carelessness. Elderly patients with MI often experience high levels of anxiety, but they are not provided psychological care. So, it is important for a nurse to ensure psychological help for very anxious patients (NHS 2007). Anxiety increases both heart rate and blood
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